Tuesday, November 13, 2018


American Cockroach Found in dark, moist areas such as hampers, sewers, bathtubs and basement corners. Also wherever food is stored German Cockroach The most common roach in United States homes. Breeds throughout the year. Favors humid atmosphere and an average temperature of 70 degrees. Brown-Banded Cockroach Most prominent in the south. Since they need less moisture, they can be found anywhere in the house. Especially high on walls, behind pictures, in furniture and closets. Oriental Cockroach Found in all parts of the United States. They're most common in high moisture situations, especially around organic matter. Most common in late spring or early summer. Smokeybrown Cockroach Most common in central Texas and extreme south. Equally at home indoors or outdoors. They move and fly individually, going in and out of buildings to feed. Carpet Beetle Most common in northern states. This beetle infests carpets and feeds on the fabric. It also feeds on animal products that are left undisturbed such as wool, leather, furs, etc. Carpenter Ant Found throughout the United States in a variety of species, The tunnels they excavate in wood are clean, almost sandpapered in appearance, unlike termite tunnels. Drywood Termites Found in the extreme south in a narrow strip from the east to the west coast. Theses termites nest in undecayed wood with very low moisture content. Centipede Found throughout the country. House centipedes live in damp areas such as closets and bathrooms. Outdoors they can be found under leaves and stones. Earwig Active at night, Earwigs hide in cracks or underneath objects by day. They scavenge on dead animal and plant material. Millipede Normally found outdoors in damp places such as under leaves and in mulch. At times they swarm into building basements and first floor rooms. Powder Post Beetle Second only to termites in destroying wood. They leave small, round holes in wooden articles along with a residue of fine, powder-like dust. Subterranean Termites The most widespread group of termites. They cause most of the termite damage to structural timbers in the United States. Nests are usually in the soil. Brown Dog Tick Found most often in the ears, between the toes and on the backs of dogs. After feeding, they retire to baseboards, molding, around window-cord pulleys, any protected openings. House Fly Eggs are laid in almost any moist and warm material such as manure, decaying vegetable material and garbage. They rest on floors, walls, ceilings, on electrical cords, etc. Spiders Depending on the species, spiders can be found in both damp and warm, dry parts of buildings. Most species hide in cracks, darkened areas or in shelter they make from silk. Cat Flea Most common during the summer, especially when homes are reoccupied after vacation. Most common hosts are cats, dogs, man and a wide variety of animals. Silverfish & Firebrats Among the most common insects in the home. They eat paper, fabrics, and get into cereals. Firebrats prefer temperatures over 90 degrees and are usually not found together with silverfish. House Ants A wide variety of species are found throughout North America. Most feed on organic matter and are especially attracted by sweet foods. Colonies hibernate in the soil or in garden trash. Sowbugs & Pillbugs They prefer moist locations and can be found under vegetable debris or any object on damp ground. Frequently invade damp basements, crawl spaces and may infest potted plants.


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